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Kabardino-Balkar Republic


Kabardino-Balkaria: the Chegemskoe Gorge and Waterfalls
The Chegemskoe Gorge is located in the middle part of Kabardino-Balkaria and divides the mountain zone of the republic into two parts, the northern one and the southern one. The Chegem River flows through the gorge. There is a place of stunning beauty here – the wall of Su-Auzu Waterfalls (their name means “water throat”).
Kabardino-Balkaria: The Chegemskie Waterfalls
The Chegemskie Waterfalls run out directly from the rocks, for this they are called Crying Waterfalls, because it looks as if the rocks are crying. In the winter the waterfalls freeze and form a huge ice cascade.
Kabardino-Balkaria: Cuisine
The cuisine of Kabardino-Balkaria is very diverse, because Kabardians and Balkarians have their own dishes. People of Kabarda living on the plain use more vegetables, wheat flour, potatoes and beans. The main components of the Balkarian cuisine are meat (lamb), byproducts, all milk derivatives - cheese and fermented milk drinks.
Kabardino-Balkaria: Koziy Market
Koziy Market in Nalchik works every day, except Monday. They sell everything that can be knitted of wool - shawls, scarves, socks, sweaters...
Kabardino-Balkaria: History
Kabarda and Balkaria existed separately before 1922. Kabarda became a part of the Russian Empire in 1557, Balkaria - in 1827, although technically the lands of the Greater Kabarda and Balkaria were given to Russia by the Kucuk Kaynarca treaty as of 1774.
Kabardino-Balkaria: Travel Tours
Excursions are usually a part of the tours organized in Kabardino-Balkaria by travel companies in different towns.
Discover Kabardino-Balkaria
Kabardino-Balkaria is a small republic, not only on the All-Russian national scale, but also by the standards of the Greater Caucasus: it makes up only 3% of its territory. However, the size definitely does not matter here, and a single fact would be enough for the tourism advertising of Kabardino-Balkaria: the highest peak in Europe and six of the eight Caucasian mountains over five thousand meters high are located on its territory.
Kabardino-Balkaria: The National Park “Prielbrusye”
The National Park “Prielbrusye” (“The Elbrus Region”) is located deep in the Baksanskaya Valley, at the foot of the highest peak of Europe - the two-headed Elbrus.
People Of Kabardino-Balkaria
Nalchik and other cities differ from those of the Central Russia only for the better – there are no drunk or homeless people.
Kabardino-Balkaria: Transportation To Elbrus
Any gorge can be accessed from Nalchik by one of the regular buses connecting the city with the alpine villages. They run not so often, but every day and without interruption.
Introduction To Kabardino-Balkaria
Kabardino-Balkaria is an all-weather republic, it is good here at any time of year.
After Relative Calm Militancy Flares up in North Caucasus
The flow of tourists to alpine resorts in Kabardino-Balkaria has grown much thinner of late, after more than ten police officers and civilians were killed in the region in one month.
Skiing in Russia’s Caucasus
Have you ever thought about coming to Russia for a ski tour? If you have, read this carefully.


“Pobeda” Airline Company Suspends Flights to the Airport of Nalchik
“Pobeda” Airline Company suspends flights to the airport of Nalchik due to the revealed incompliance of the airport with certification requirements to ensure safe flight operations.
Ski Season In Kabardino-Balkaria
In Kabardino-Balkaria a great job was done by the opening of ski season: ski slopes and cableways, provided with safety elements for tourists and holidaymakers are ready to go, the press service of regional administration reports.
New Year Carnival to be Held in Elbrus Region
Winter carnival, colorful ski show and best costume contest will be offered to visitors of the Elbrus region on New Year's Day.

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