Mordovia is a republic within Russian Federation’s Volga federal district. Mordovia gained the status of the republic on January 10, 1930 during Soviet reign.
The republic is located on the eastern territories of East European Plane, partly on Oka-Don Plane, and partly on Volga Upland with the highest point of the republic being 324 metres above sea level. The republic is rich in water resources – 114 rivers (the largest river is called Moksha) and about 500 lakes – Inerka and Tatarka are worth visiting.
The climate here is moderately continental with 11 degrees below zero in January and 19 degrees above zero in July. Precipitation is also quire moderate.
The population census states 833 thousand people in the republic, major nationalities are Russian, the Mordovians and the Tatars. The republic is ruled by the constitution, and the capital is called Saransk. Mordovia has many museums of local culture, and the largest local library is located in the capital.
Mordovian State Puppet Theatre is famous in Russia, playing mainly folk stories. Sculptor Erzya is Mordovian star, who paid great attention to local folk culture in his works and became world famous in the beginning of the previous century. Local Erzya and Moksha culture is not dead – popular musicians perform songs in local languages and play traditional music.
The republic of Mordovia has great opportunities for higher education – nine higher educational institutions are open for gifted students.