Bataysk is a town in the Rostov Region of Russia. Its population makes 115.7 thousand people (as of 2013).
Bataysk is a satellite of Rostov-on-Don, it is located 15 km to the southeast of it, on the opposite bank of the Don River. It is a junction of railway lines and highways.
It s territory makes 75
The town hosts industrial enterprises mostly focused on service of Rostov-on-Don.
Bataysk has generally a rectangular network of streets. A considerable part of quarters is built up with one-storeyed red brick houses of farmstead type. Narrow shady streets and greenery of gardens give special coloring to the town.
History of Bataysk
Bataysk was founded in 1779-1780 as a settlement on the place of the Tatar settlement of Batai that had been destroyed by Zaporozhye Cossacks. It was named after the little river Batyysu, which descended from Khan Batiy.
On October 26, 1938 the working settlement of Bataysk was transformed into the town.
During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 the town was occupied by fascist armies on July 27, 1942. It was liberated on February 7, 1943 by armies of the Southern front during the Rostov operation.