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    Khabarovsk Territory

The Khabarovsk Territory is a very rich and beautiful land. Its territory is large, with green forests and clean and fast rivers. The Khabarovsk Territory stretches 2000km north along the Sea of Okhotsk. Vast minerals are hidden in the interiors, not all of them used and explored.

Khabarovsk, the capital of the region, lies at the broad confluence of the Amur River and its tributary, the Ussuri River, and the city almost has the atmosphere of a coastal resort.

The city stretches along the right bank of the Amur River, which is the 8th longest river in the world. The Amur River is very famous because of the Amur River cruise. This is truly a "dream cruise" and an excellent chance to enjoy the wild scenery.

The city of Khabarovsk, on the junction of the giant Ussuri and Amur Rivers in Russia’s Far East, is an unexpectedly gracious city famous for its historical and cultural heritage.

The region may also be attractive for those interested in indigenous peoples’ culture and way of life. Nanaians, the aboriginal people inhabiting the territory of the Khabarovsk region, have preserved their traditional way of living, native language and unique culture. Khabarovsk is actively courting foreign investment and thus may be of great interest for those who are going to make business in Russia.



The history of the Russian Far East is a part of the Russian history and a part of the history of the aboriginal people of the area. From the old times on, the Amur river territories, coastal areas of the Okhotsk Sea and the Arctic Ocean were populated by numerous ethnic groups: Nanai, Ulchi, Nivkhi, and many others. Yet people of the Nanai tribe still live nearby Khabarovsk, in the village of Sikachi Alyan. You will be able to visit a tiny museum there, which exhibits the ancient artifacts of the Nanai people.

Nanaians are considered to be the native population of Priamurye proud of their ancient history and original culture. Traditionally, fishing, hunting, and gathering were their main occupation.

The traditional forms of religion of the Priamurye peoples are closely connected to their culture. Nanaians believe that the animal world is very close to a person. It is considered that a person has an animal or bird as his predecessor, and that animals in the wild can hear and understand each other and everyone. So one must periodically speak with them in order to hunt successfully.

Nanaians and other indigenous peoples mananged to preserve their traditional way of living and customs, which may become attractive for those inetersted in traditional forms of religion, way of life and culture.

Among the archaeological monuments, which have struck imagination of the first researchers of the Far East, there were ancient petroglyphs (rock drawings) near the national Nanaian settlement Sikhachi-Alyan that is located 75 km from Khabarovsk down the Amur River stream. The drawings representing masks, animals, anthropomorphic images, birds (about 300 in all) are executed with stone tools on basalt boulders. Most ancient images are dated by the late Stone Age (7-6 millenniums B.C.).

Tags: Russian tourism Russian regions Khabarovsk Territory Russian history  



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