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Chudovo is a Russian city (since 1937), the administrative center of the Chudovo municipal district in the north of the Novgorod Region.

It has the population of 15 047 people (as of 2014).

The city is located in Ilmen Depression, on the Kerest River (inflow of Volkhov, the basin of Lake Ladoga), 73 km away from Veliky Novgorod.

It has a railway station on the railroad St. Petersburg — Moscow, at the distance of 118 km from St. Petersburg, 532 km from Moscow and 73 km from Veliky Novgorod.

Chudovo has a twin-city: it is the island town of Pargas/Parainen in Finland. Besides, it maintains connection with the Swedish city of Kumla. Moreover, Chudovo has a street and a lane named after Parainen and the British city of Bernville (the hometown of the Cadbury Company) respectively.


In Chudovo N. A. Nekrasov's house museum — the hunting lodge of the poet restored after the Great Patriotic War is located. The house museum the writer G. I. Uspensky (1843 — 1902) is located in the village of Syabrenitsa of the Chudovsky area near Chudovo.

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