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One of the oldest Russian towns, Dmitrov is located 70 kilometers northwards of Moscow. The Dmitrov district stretches 70 km from south to north and 40 km from west to east.

The area of the district is interesting for its natural and landscape features. The Dmitrov district includes two distinct landscape zones: lowland from the north and eminence (the largest in the Moscow region) in the south. Dmitrov is surrounded with picturesque mixed forests making the district fine for hiking and skiing. In addition to that the town of Dmitrov is one of the economic centres of the Moscow region.


Dmitrov was founded in 1154 by order of Yuri Dolgoruky in honour of the birth of his son. The town was given the name of its founder’s son. Thanks to its advantageous location on the important waterway to the Volga River and initially built fortifications the town achieved outstanding trading and military significance. From the moment of its foundation till the mid 14th century the town passed through many hands. In different periods it was part of various princedoms: Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Galitsk-Dmitrovsky, and even was the centre of Dmitrov princedom. In 1360 Dmitrov was joined to the Moscow principality and never changed its belonging since then.

Being an important military and trading centre Dmitrov went through a great many sorrows and ravages. Back in the 12th century the Kiev and Novgorod retinues headed by the Kievan Prince Svyatoslav devastated and burned down Dmitrov. In the 13th and 14th cc the town was hard hit by forays of Tatars. In 1380 the warriors of Dmitrov took part in the crucial Kulikovskaya Battle. Further on its destiny was also related to frequent wars, especially in the period of feudal disunity and during the later Distemper. In 1781 Dmitrov was made the chief town of the district.

The 19th century saw appearance of large industrial enterprises in Dmitrov. In 1900 Savelovskaya railroad was laid through the town. The revolution in 1917 and the following events excited considerable response in Dmitrov. The town played an important role in the Great Patriotic War: lots of defense factories worked there and battles took place in the district. After the war it developed as a big industrial centre.


Dmitrov boasts architectural monuments of various epochs, the oldest of them being the Dmitrov Kremlin erected as far back as the 12th century and nowadays forming the historic centre of the town. The Assumption Cathedral (1523) is also part of the historic centre.

Altogether the district area counts over 200 cultural and historical objects, among them St. Boris and Gleb Monastery, town churches, and the like.

The modern sights include the monument to St. Boris and Gleb, a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky, a monument to Kirill and Mefodiy by the Assumption Cathedral, a sculptural composition featuring Dmitrov dwellers of diverse epochs and classes, and others.

Tags: Moscow Region Golden Ring    



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