Georgy Semyonovich Vereisky was born on 18 (30) July 1886 in the town of Proskurov (nowadays Khmelnytsky)in Ukraine.
Georgy Vereisky did not get systematic art education. He studied at the Law Faculty in Kharkov, then the Petersburg University, and participated in events of the first Russian Revolution of 1905, even was under arrest and was compelled to emigrate (1905-07). Nevertheless, he managed to attend Yegor Yegorovich Shreider Studio in Kharkov, and having moved to St. Petersburg (1911) studied from great artists in the New Art Studio.
Then already he started working as a professional, with his portraits, cartoons and theatrical sketches published in the Theatre and Art magazine.
In 1916 - 18 he was mobilized for military service, where he used every free minute for frontline sketches.
The portraits made by him excel in the accuracy of plastic and psychological features of the model, as well as virtuoso precision of drawing. Having perfected lithography art, throughout many years of his work he created an enormous gallery of portraits of his contemporary artists, writers, and cultural figures.
Being of high professional and general culture (for twelve years he was the custodian of the engraving department in the Hermitage and wrote a number of scientific articles), Vereisky managed to continue naturally and fruitfully the classical tradition in Russian art of the 20th century.