Victoria Tokareva was born into the family of an engineer in Leningrad on November 20 . During the war the Tokarevs' family was evacuated to the Urals. After returning to Leningrad the would-be writer finished school and then attended a music school (1956 — 60). Having married, Victoria Tokareva moved to her husband's home in Moscow and worked as a teacher at a music school (1961 — 64).
In 1964 — 1969 she studied at the Screenwriting Department in VGIK (the All-Russian State Institute of Cinema). In those years Victoria Tokareva started writing stories. In 1964 she had her first story published - it was A Day without Lies. It was followed with other stories that caused readers' interest.
The year 1969 saw the publication of her first book About That Which Was Not, which comprised her already printed and new stories and short stories.
Further on the writer published another collection of her stories and short stories every five years: Nothing Special, The Flying Swing, To Tell — Not to Tell, Gentlemen of Good Luck, and others.
Victoria Tokareva authored a number of film scripts, including Mimino (co-authored with R. Gabriadze), Gentlemen of Good Luck, and the play Northern Shelter.
In recent years she has been regulary published in various publishing houses, enjoying invariable popularity among readers: collections of stories and short stories Bullfight, Do Not Create, Horses with Wings, Happy End, and others. The last story published by Victoria Tokareva is Well You Know...
Victoria Tokareva lives and works in Moscow.
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