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 Artemy Troitsky

Born:   On June, 16th 1955

Well-known musical critic, rock journalist, TV and radio host


Artyom Kivovich Troitsky (more known as Artemy Troitsky) is a remarkable rock music journalist, music critic, one of the first propagandists of rock music in the USSR, as well as of independent indie and electronic music in Russia. Troitsky is a juror and organizer of numerous concerts and music festivals, one of the leading experts in modern music in Russia.

Artemy Troitsky was born on June, 16th 1955 in Yaroslavl into the family of the outstanding Soviet political scientist and historian Kiva Maidanik.
In the late 1970s –early 1980s he organized underground concerts and festivals of Soviet rock music bands, among them Mashina Vremeni, Dinamik, Zoopark, Kino and Alexander Bashlachev. He was the organizer and a juror of the festival Spring rhythms. Tbilisi-80 thanks to which the bands Aquarium and Autograph gained wide popularity. He was one of the first to notice the talent of Vasily Shumov and the band Centre and to support and promote them further in every possible way.


Tags: Artemy Troitsky Russian music Russian musicians   

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