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 Alexander Popov

Born:   March 16, 1859
Deceased:   January 13, 1906

Russian physicist and electrical engineer, is famous for his invention of wireless electrical communication


Alexander Stepanovich Popov, Russian physicist and electrical engineer, famous for invention of wireless electrical communication, is born in the Turinskiye Rudniki village on 16th of March, 1859 in priest family. In 1877 Alexander Popov arrives to Saint Petersburg, having strong intentions to enter Saint Petersburg’s university, which he does successfully after passing tests and being admitted to the faculty of physics and mathematics. Spring of 1895 sees Popov coming out with a safe and sensitive receiver, suitable for wireless communication (radio communication) and presenting his invention during a session of physical department of the Russian Physics and Chemistry Society – since that event May 7 is celebrated as Radio Day. Further experiments show the device reacting on lightning strokes and encourage Popov to build storm indicator, which now is displayed in Central Communication Museum in Saint Petersburg. In 1899 Popov’s assistants discovered detector effect of coherer, thus allowing Alexander Popov developing “telephone message receiver” for receiving radio signals on head phones and patenting his invention. Since that time Popov’s receivers start their triumphant march around the world. Alexander Popov dies on January 13th of 1906.


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