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 Andrei Plakhov

Born:   14th September 1950

Russian film critic and film expert


Andrei Plakhov conducted telecasts and radiocasts.  He was born in Ukraine. Andrei graduated from the Lvov University (Mechanical Mathematics Faculty) and the VGIK (All-Union Cinematography Institute). He is a candidate of art criticism (thesis about Luchino Visconti).
He is the author of books about modern film directors, film festivals and Catherine Deneuve. He was a judge and consultant of numerous international festivals (in Berlin, Venice, Locarno, Tokyo, and San Sebastian), the chairman of the selection commission of MMKF (Moscow International Film Festival), and the Petersburg Kinoforum’s program director. As the secretary of the Cinematographers Union board he headed a mediation board which released more than 200 movies that were censored.

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