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 Nadezhda Rumyantseva

Born:   9 September 1930
Deceased:   8 April 2008

Theatre and film actress


Nadezhda Vasilyevna Rumyantseva was born on September 9, 1930 in Potapovo Village of the Smolensk Region.
After finishing school she entered the Lunacharsky Theater State Institute. At the entering exams she recited Famusov's monologue, which determined her destiny.

The actress and teacher Olga Pyzhova set her hopes on Rumyantseva and therefore transferred her to VGIK (The All-Union Institute of Cinematography), where she was invited to work. Thus Nadezhda Rumyantseva graduated from VGIK. By that time she was already known as a travesty actress. She already worked a lot on stage of the Central Children's Theater and acted in the films Towards Life and Alyosha Ptitsyn Forms his Character.

After the film Queen of Gas Station starring Nadezhda all small snub-nosed girls found out that they can also become movie stars. In 1955 Nadezhda Rumyantseva joined the Theatre Studio of Film Actor. 6 years later she starred in the movie The Girls (Devchata), which brought her international recognition.

After Devchata she played 24 film roles more. Her career on Soviet television was also successful. Every Sunday morning the popular television broadcast Budilnik with Nadezhda Vasilyevna as a hostess greeted thousands of Soviet boys and girls. All Russians are familiar with her voice sounding in the animations 38 Parrots, Hello to a Monkey, Boa’s Grandmother, and others.

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