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 Helena Blavatsky

Born:   born 1831 July, 31 (OS August, 12) Yekaterinoslav, Russian Empire, now Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk
Deceased:   died 1891 April, 26 (May, 8) London.

Autor of the Secret Doctrine


Author of the Secret Doctrine
Helena Blavatsky, born von Hahn, is one of the persons, determinated the spiritual climate in the European culture long after their death. She is a person, tried to connect East and West, and not without success. She is an author of the Spiritual Doctrine, which was believed to make the world and the people better. Almost nobody of great and halfway poets and artists, like Kandinsky of the early 20th century avoided her books' influence, the Nazi Ideologists used her root races for their doctrine, having however modifyed its point, hippies and rock musicians of 60-s and 70-s. She has travelled round the worls for three times. Her main works are written in English.

Early Years and family
Helena Blavatsky was born as a Helena von Hahn in the family of Colonel Peter von Hahn and Helena Fadeyeva. According to biographists, her family tree ascends to the ancient noble families, but somebody finds it unbelievable. Her mother was a writer, and they called her Russian George Sand. Her sister, Vera Zhelikovsky, was also a writer of fiction, mainly fantastic and occult. Helena's first cousin was Sergey Vitte, the Minister of Transportation and PM of Nikolas II.
As a girl, Helena demonstrated portentous abilities, which were only developing in course of time. She suffered lunatism, spoke with spirits and a man wearing white turban she called Teacher. Unfortunately, she had home education, ait was a particoloured learning, because the family moved often. He has not ever studied at the university, because the women did not have right for higher education in the 19th century Russia. At the age of 16 she married Nikifor Blavatsky, vice-governor of Erivan (now Armenia) to obtain status in society (yes, the state of the women was hard and absurd in 19th century society). After that she escaped and made her way to Istanbul via Odessa. The wanderings begun...

The period of wanderings is unclear, because nobody from the friends and relatives, except the father, who sent her money and whom she wrote, knew exactly where she was. She travelled alone and did not keep a diary. All the contradictory data point that she travelled the world during this period, from 1848 to 1858. She visited Egypt, France, Canada, England, South America, Germany, Mexico, India, Greece, and Tibet, of course. She spent two years in the Tibet monasteries with ascetics she later called Brothers. She is supposed to have been initiated for theosophical work, while in Tibet. She has benn to the places the European has never been, including some Lamaist monasterys. In 1858 Helena returned to Russia to her sister Vera. Vera was for that moment a widow and lived in a village of Rugodevo. She spent a year in Russia and after that resumed her wanderings. She took part in the battle by Mentan on the side of Giusepe Garibaldi and was seriously wounded. She mentioned after that that many women in disguise were fighting.

In 1873 she emigrated to New York City and founded a Theosophical Society. She affirmed that all the relogions are true in their inner teachings and problematic or inperfect in their external manifestations. Her writings called to connect sciense and spiritual knowledge may be considered as first instance of what now is known as New Age. After USA she went to India and finally moved to UK where she died in the age of 59.

Helena Blavatskaya affirmed all her works were not actually her ones. It was The Teacher, who told her where and when to go, she did not invent her texts, but re-wrote from somewhere. In other words she considered herself as a medium. It is irrational thing, but it answers the question how could such uneducated person as she was write all of that. But, who knows, maybe it was her secretary, who was very well-educated...

Main works

Isis Unveiled
From the caves and Jungles of Hindostan
The secret Doctrine
The voice of the silence
The key to Theosophy
Nightmare Tales

Who was she? A genious liar? Genious? Medium? Nobody knows. She was gloryfied and accused, and characterized in quite different ways by the relatives, contemporaries and future generations. Anyway, Helena Blavatskaya was an outstanding person. wikipedia


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