Joint think-tank from Russia and Belarus developed new high-density blade for SKIF supercomputers.
New blade will have capacity of 0.5-5 peta-flops, in other words, it will perform up to 5x1015 operations per second – 10-100 times more than existing SKIF supercomputer can perform.
New supercomputer’s blade hosts two multi-core processors Intel Xeon; memory with capacity between 6 and 12 gigabytes and unit for communication with other boards – all packed with very high density. Such density is impossible with common coolers, and scientists suggested a solution.
Engineers fixed an aluminum plate over the blade. The plate is pierced with capillaries for cooling liquid, and slots for microchips are milled out on its surface. Such cooling system is highly effective, as well as energy efficient, since it needs no more than 0.36 Watt for 1 Watt of system consumption.
Blades form tubs, and tubs form boxes, which in their turn form a supercomputer of required capacity.
Source: Science & Life