The book titled “Diary of Grigory Rasputin” has been recently published in Russia. For almost a century notes of Grigory Rasputin were kept in the Russian State Archive. Both their origin and authenticity remain unobvious.
However, today his diary has been published. It took experts several years to decipher the text, yet now it is recognized that the notes were written not by Rasputin himself.
In the diary Rasputin or someone writing on his behalf, tells about his calling and healing power, writes tenderly about Mama, the Empress, and scornfully about Papa, the Emperor: “Take his crown off, and you won’t distinguish him amid a dozen of people”.
The archive file contains 102 pages, written in the name of Rasputin, though the first scribes already quoted the word “diary” and marked in brackets that the text had been written from dictation of “R”, i.e. Rasputin.
It is clear to any historian that the “diary” is not written in Rasputin’s handwriting. It was written by a person who was probably a sincere admirer of Rasputin. It is impossibly for any science to sort it out now what part of it are Rasputin’s fancies and what is historic reality there.