Russian Orthodox businessmen have represented a project called Seven Churches per Day. They are concerned about the lack of Ortjhodox churches in majority of bedroom communities of Moscow, where criminality, drug addiction and alcoholism are spread. To fast increase the number of churches a new construction technology has been developed. Thanks to the innovation a church can be built for 24 hours.
The churches are made from timber saturated with special solutions preventing rot. There are two types of portable churches: a 15 meter high big one able to house 150 people and a small one of 12 meter height and 49 square meter area. The cost of the small church is 2 million rubles.
The first church of this kind is expected to open on the 6th of April in the town of Kemerovo, then the portable churches will appear in Moscow, Kiev and Minsk.
Moscow Patriarch’ Office has backed the project.