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Russia seeks migrants to build Olympic facilities in Sochi
27.07.2007 13:12
Russia seeks migrants to build Olympic facilities in Sochi
one of the objects in Sochi

According to the IOC requirements, 46 sports facilities (including biathlon and skiing complexes, skating centre, etc.) should be constructed in Sochi as a matter of priority along with transport, utility and accommodation infrastructure. Now it’s clear that Russia can’t build all these objects alone and going to attract up to 1 million migrant workers annually.
      At the end of 2006 the Olympic Committee of Russia and the Turkish National Olimpic Committee signed an agreement of cooperation. Turkey gave its vote for Sochi as an applicant city and assented to allot a piece of land in Antalya for the Russian Olympic Centre. Russia In its turn promised to attract Turkish builders to construction works in Sochi.
      However, Turkish workers won’t be the only foreign migrants to participate in Olympic preparations. China is ready to provide Russia with cheap labor, especially as Chinese workers do have some experience in building sports facilities due to the upcoming Olympics 2008 in Beijing.


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