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Exhibition «Laboratory of the Future. Kinetic Art in Russia»
31.01.2021 21:06
Exhibition «Laboratory of the Future. Kinetic Art in Russia»

The idea of transformation is at the heart of kinetic art. Mobility, variability, and instability are the defining qualities for dynamic works that are transformed by mechanical forces or visual effects. Having emerged simultaneously in various regions of the world in the post-war era, kineticism was largely associated with the idea of rehabilitation of technological progress and the formation of the information society.
      The exhibition includes a variety of forms and genres of kinetic art: mobiles, self-stressed structures, transforming sculptures, optical painting, graphics, collage, photography, video projections, sound and light installations, and interactive objects.
      Visitors will see the works of famous kinetic artists who created mostly in the 1960s and 1970s. Their predecessors, the main representatives of the Russian avant-garde of the early XX century, as well as modern authors are presented here as well.
      The exhibition consists of four sections, each of them revealing the most characteristic features of kineticism and demonstrating the development of its main ideas.
      Where: The New Tretyakov Gallery at the address 10, Krymsky Val Street, Moscow.
      When: from JANUARY 22 to MAY 9, 2021.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Exhibitions in Moscow Art Exhibitions Russian Art New Tretyakov Gallery  


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