The exhibition consists of seven parts with a chronological coverage from the Renaissance to the early
20th century. Thus, viewers plunge into the atmosphere of the diverse world of ballet theater. In
particular, here you will learn how the secular costume influenced the ballet, and that in turn created a
new direction in fashion. You will see how gradually, over many decades, faced with numerous
prohibitions and obstacles, the classical ballet costume was taking shape. The exhibition helps to make a
kind of journey into the behind-the-scenes world of the theater, which is fraught with lots of tragic and
entertaining stories related to ballet costume.
Sections of the exhibition are illustrated with sketches of costumes for ballet productions, as well as
prints, photographs, portraits and drawings from the sketch, book, magazine and other collections of
the Theater Library. The exhibition is intended for the widest range of people who are open to the
perception of the dizzying, mysterious art of dance and the role of costume in a ballet performance.
See the online exhibition on the website
When: from DECEMBER 21, 2020, to JANUARY 31, 2021
Author: Vera Ivanova