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Public Art Festival "Yards of Capella" in St. Petersburg
30.06.2019 20:22
Public Art Festival

“Yards of Capella” is a collaboration of modern and classical open-air art. Artists from various directions get together to add art objects to one of the popular walking routes - the yard on the Moika Embankment, Saint Petersburg.

      So you can happen to become a visitor and a participant of the public art festival by mere coincidence.

      This year, the CeramArch Museum of Art Ceramics is participating in the exhibition: the first installations on the theme of art and music have already appeared in the inner yard of Capella. Students of the Art and Technology Institute are preparing their works The Living Bay of Finland, and The Imperial Gardens of Russia.

      The organizers promise a large-scale experiment with music sound on metal. You can see all this any day from July 1 until the end of summer 2019.

The State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg

The State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Festivals in Saint Petersburg Street Art Free Events   

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