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Sergei Lazarev to Perform 5th in the Final of Eurovision 2019
17.05.2019 18:35
Sergei Lazarev to Perform 5th in the Final of Eurovision 2019

The representative of Malta will be the first to appear on the contest stage.

      Sergei Lazarev, representing Russia at the international contest Eurovision 2019, will perform under the fifth number in the finals on Saturday.

      The sequence of the participants’ performances is determined by the producers of the show.

      “The order of performances is appointed so that each performance has an opportunity to stand out. When making the decision, the producers consider the genre of music, the solo or group performance, the use of props, the song’s pace and various other aspects of the performance," - the organizers explained.

      The concert will be opened by the representative of Malta. Then musicians from Albania, the Czech Republic, and Germany will take the stage. Russia will be followed by participants from Denmark, San Marino, Northern Macedonia, Sweden, Slovenia, Cyprus, the Netherlands and Greece. In the second part of the concert, competitors from Israel, Norway, Great Britain, Iceland, Estonia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, France, Italy, Serbia, Switzerland and Australia will appear on the stage. The last, 26th number, is given to Spain.

      The Eurovision final will be held on the stage of the Tel Aviv Exhibition Center.

Sergey Lazarev Performed in the Second Semi-Final of Eurovision 2019

Lazarev's Chances of Winning at Eurovision Trend Downward

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Eurovision Russian Musicians Sergei Lazarev   

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