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Tretyakov Gallery Presents Paintings by Geliy Korzhev in Venice
14.05.2019 12:23
Tretyakov Gallery Presents Paintings by Geliy Korzhev in Venice

The Tretyakov Gallery has provided paintings for the exhibition “Geliy Korzhev. Back to Venice” in Italy.

      The exhibition includes about fifty artworks by the renowned Russian painter Geliy Korzhev 
(7 July 1925 – 27 August 2012). They are displayed to general public at the Ca-Foscari University located in Venice.

      The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets and the head of the Tretyakov Gallery, Zelfira Tregulova. Olga Golodets reminded that Russia and Italy have always had close cultural ties, which are actively developing nowadays. Last year more than three hundred events took place in the framework of the “Russian Seasons” in Italy.

      The paintings by Geliy Korzhev have already been exhibited in Venice. It happened at the 31st Venice Biennale fifty-seven years ago. This year the opening of the exhibition coincided with the 58th Venice Biennale.

      The exhibition of Geliy Korzhev paintings will last till October 12, 2019.

Russian Pavilion at Venice Biennale Visited by 10 Thousand People in 5 Days


Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Art Exhibitions Tretyakov Gallery Russian Art Geliy Korzhev  

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