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Alexander Blok Festival in Saint Petersburg
21.04.2019 15:10
Alexander Blok Festival in Saint Petersburg

The festival of the most Petersburg poet of the 20th century, Alexander Blok, will take place in the streets and museums of the city on Neva. Performances, exhibitions, guided tours, lectures and performances will be dedicated to the outstanding Russian Silver Age poet and his St. Petersburg spring.

      Alexander Blok was born and lived most of his life in Petersburg, the city that became his eternal inspiration. A large-scale festival in his memory will be held here from April 20 to May 15, 2019

      The festival play productions and performances will be presented not only in the theater, but also in the streets, in the field and even on the train, which will go to the Shakhmatovo Estate of Alexander Blok.

      A wandering Alexander Blok monument, guide walking and bicycle tours around the poet’s memorable places, and art actions in the streets and on the Internet will be part of the festival.

      When: from April 20 to May 15, 2019.

See details on the festival website.

      Read the Biography of Alexander Blok

Silver Age of Russian Poetry

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Alexander Blok Festivals in Saint Petersburg Events in St. Petersburg   

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