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School of the Smart City
6.04.2018 17:30
School of the Smart City

Sberbank is supporting Moscow Department of Information Technology’s School of the Smart City project, during which representatives of major tech companies will share their unique IT knowledge and experience with young residents of the capital.

      School of the Smart City is a free-of-charge educational project for Moscow schoolchildren from grades 5 to 11. The children will find out how the technological revolution will transform the world, what cities of the future will look like, the extent to which familiar areas of life will change, which professions will be most in-demand in the future, and whether robots and AI will replace people or become irreplaceable assistants. The experts will also talk about taking care of cybersecurity in the digital world.

      Representatives of major companies (including Sberbank, IBM, Dell, EMC, Cisco, and Samsung) will give lectures. Boris Ivanov, a leading computer incident investigator from Sberbank subsidiary BI.ZONE, has already talked to children about the fundamentals of cybersecurity and IT crime.

      School of the Smart City will run until 15 May 2018. Lectures are being held at the Smart City pavilion at VDNKh.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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