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Running Hearts Green Marathon Opened Registration
5.04.2018 16:43
Running Hearts Green Marathon Opened Registration

Sberbank has launched attendee registration for the Running Hearts Green Marathon, which will take place on May 27th in 54 cities in Russia, as well as in the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. In Moscow, for the first time, the race will take place by the Kremlin Walls on Vasilyevsky Spusk.

      The charity marathon is inclusive and open to people with physical, mental and sensory disabilities, the program includes a 4.2 km run, 10 km and 21.1 km races (simultaneous starts). One can register to participate in the marathon at Registration for the Running Hearts Green Marathon in Moscow will be available at

      In 2017, the Running Hearts Green Marathon was one of the most successful sports-charity events, collecting a record amount of 50,000,000 rubles. The funds raised benefited Naked Heart Foundation, helping children with special needs. This year again, the aim is of the charity run is to raise funds to continue the development of the Early Intervention project for young children with special needs and their families. 


Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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