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Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s “The Origins-2” Show
13.03.2018 15:22
Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s “The Origins-2” Show

Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s “The Origins-2” show was the collection most visitors of the day came to see. The maitre, who celebrated his 80th birthday last week, announced earlier this month that the show was inspired, in his own words, “by his love towards Russia and it’s national dress”. It felt like it, too - the Fall-Winter 2018-2019 show was a true cornucopia of Russian historical style - from 17th and 18th century aristocratic dresses to coats, traditional Russian sleeveless jackets, camisoles paired with blouses and full multi-layered skirts. 

 The show also included three-piece suits, shawls traditionally created in Pavlovo Posad, little number dresses and evening gowns which came as a part of a two- or three-item set. A large portion of looks were created in an entirely new technology from Russian lace.


The men’s portion of the collection showcased Indian and Chinese fabrics in collaboration with designer Alexey Mikhaylov - these brought us back to the art of Ballet Russes, reminding us of Léon Bakst’s iconic and exotic creations.The fashion jewelry and Russian-style felt headpieces, were created specifically for the collection by the talented Lidia Tskhovrebova.

Russian style has always been an inspiration for Slava. With its rich and vivid colors and textures, the traditional Russian style of dress reimagined by Zaitsev even back in the 60’s is still very appealing, balanced and at the same time cozy. At the same time its elements are easily adjustable for everyday life.


Arguably the most famous of all Russian designers, Zaitsev looked radiant when he himself appeared on the runway. He was met with a standing ovation - truly, the most respected of all the Soviet and Post-Soviet Russian couturiers deserves no less. His models led him to the end of the runway and back, and Slava - as Russians affectionately call him - was smiling all along. Even though Zaitsev doesn’t plant to leave fashion altogether, the audience gave him a beautiful finale for his incredible show in silk and gold and lace.




Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia Fashion Futurum Russian fashion buy Russian designers  

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