The number of hotels in Moscow will increase in 2018 by more than 5.5 thousand rooms, the press service of Moskomstroyinvest reports with reference to the head of the committee Konstantin Timofeev. "In 2018, the city plans to open another 27 hotel facilities for 5,552 rooms. On 20 sites, construction and installation work is being carried out at different stages." - K. Timofeev comments.
He added that in the first and second quarters of 2018, eight hotels are planned to be put into operation: Krasnoprudnaya, 12; ul. Rogozhsky Val, 12; ul. Lyapidevsky, 1; Serebryanichesky lane, 12; Prospect Vernadskogo, 84, building. 2; ul. Ozernaya, 2A; Kosmodamianskaya nab., 28; ul. Bolshaya Spasskaya, 4, building 1, Dokuchaev per., 2.
In 2019, it is planned to build and put into operation 11 hotel facilities for 1,311 rooms.
He added that in the first and second quarters of 2018, eight hotels are planned to be put into operation: Krasnoprudnaya, 12; ul. Rogozhsky Val, 12; ul. Lyapidevsky, 1; Serebryanichesky lane, 12; Prospect Vernadskogo, 84, building. 2; ul. Ozernaya, 2A; Kosmodamianskaya nab., 28; ul. Bolshaya Spasskaya, 4, building 1, Dokuchaev per., 2.
In 2019, it is planned to build and put into operation 11 hotel facilities for 1,311 rooms.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina