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"New Age of Chuya Highway" - Altai Development Project
26.06.2017 23:35


Up to 20 tourist information sites on different subjects will be set up in Altai within the federal program "New Age of Chuya Highway: 1922 - 2022" to promote the iconic places: image and cultural sites, the elements of "Altai" tourism cluster.

      As it was told in the Office of the "Altai" Federal Highway Administration, the first site was set in the Altai Krai near Talmenka district center on the territory of "Altai Border" road service: there were mounted modular stands.

      Stands provide information in Russian and English languages about the Altai Krai, the history of Chuya Highway; its present state and prospects for development in 2014-2022. Stands also have colorful diagram-map of Chuya HIghway marking iconic places: image and cultural sites. Later there will appear two information kiosks with booklets and souvenirs provided by the Direction of the Altay Krai for Development of Tourist Recreational and Spa Facilities.



Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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