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"Moroshka" - Gastronomic Festival
26.06.2017 11:44


The gastronomic festival of traditional Northern Russian cuisine "Moroshka" will take place for the third time in Totma. It will be held from 17 to 23 July. This time the city of seamen will not be its only site. It was decided to expand the geography of the event and conduct it also in the village named after Babushkin. The symbol of the festival is cloudberry, a berry that grows mainly in the Russian North, starting from the sixtieth parallel, where Totma is located.

      The theme of this year's festival is "Salt", which historically links theTotma and Babushkin lands. Salt in the XVII century was the main export commodity of the Totma land, and local merchants got huge capitals. In the eighteenth century merchants became seafarers, who reached Alaska and gave glory to Totem.



Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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