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Kultuk Is 370
26.06.2017 23:43
Kultuk Is 370

The village of Kultuk, Slyudyansky district marked its 370th anniversary on June 24. Celebratory events were held in honor of the anniversary in the village. According to the local newspaper, the program included a concert of creative teams, awarding letters and gratitude to the residents of the village. In the evening a festive salute was organized in the sky over the night Baikal.

Kultuk became the first Russian settlement in the south of Lake Baikal. Thanks to the unique nature, the village always attracted scientists and naturalists who made a huge contribution to the development of the Siberian region.

      The mountainous Buryatia Republic, spreading around the north and east of Lake Baikal, has a number peculiarities that distinguish the region from other parts of Russia. First of all, for most of its history the region has been under Asiatic influence, something clearly visible in the facial features of indigenous Buryats. Secondly, Buddhism used to be the officially recognised religion in pre -revolutionary Russia. Presently, the Buddhist temples (datsan) are under reconstruction and may present exhaustive information concerning the history of Buddhism in Russia. And, lastly, Buryatia is also the home to Old Believers, the descendants of conservative 17th century Russian Orthodox breakaways who fled into precipitation in northern Russia.

      ects of folk culture.



Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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