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Cheese Festival Will Be Held In Odintsovo
22.06.2017 17:32
Cheese Festival Will Be Held In Odintsovo

More than 50 varieties of cheese will be presented at the Cheese Festival, which will be held on Friday in Odintsovo, the press service of the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow region reports.

"The Cheese Festival will be held in Odintsovo on June 23. Residents and guests of the region will be able to see more than 50 different cheese varieties from the cheese makers from Moscow, Vladimir, Smolensk, Tula, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanovo and Kaluga regions," the report said. In addition, the residents will be able to cook Caucasian cheese on their own, try fried Halloumi and Adyghe cheese, as well as prepare fondue. The invited sommelier will tell guests how to properly combine wine and cheese.

      The event will be held at the address: Odintsovo, TC "Odintsovskoe Podvorye".

Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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