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RUSADA Cannot Continue Its Activities
20.11.2015 00:18
RUSADA Cannot Continue Its Activities

Board of Founders of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) confirmed that the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) does not match the code of the organization. This was reported in the WADA microblog on Twitter.

      WADA also claims that in Argentina, Bolivia and Ukraine non-accredited laboratories conducting tests of blood and urine for doping are operating.  In addition, it has placed Belgium, Brazil, France, Greece, Mexico and Spain in the list of countries that will be examined carefully regarding their  fight against doping.

      November 13, 2015 WADA committee found out that RUSADA does not correspond to the code of organization, and therefore, cannot continue activities. Board of Founders of WADA confirmed this fact on November 19.


Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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