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The Netherlands Help Russia Investigate MN17 Crash
12.10.2015 09:21
The Netherlands Help Russia Investigate MN17 Crash

Ron van Dartel, the Netherlands ambassador to Moscow, expressed the country's readiness to further cooperate with Russia investigating the crash of Malaysian Boeing in Ukraine.

      "We are ready to continue cooperation", - Mr. Dartel emphasized, when commenting on a question regrarding the investigation of MN17 crash.

      Presently in the Netherlands there are   two investigations of the crash that happened in the Donetsk Region of Ukraine on July 17 last year and took lives of 298 people. The first investigation is technical and it aims to find out technical causes of the aircraft crash.

      The second investigation is criminal, headed by an international investigation team, which includes Malaysia, the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium and Ukraine. The purpose of this investigation is to find those  guilty of the Boeing MN17 crash. The final report on the work done by the  Investigation Security Council of the Netherlands will be published on Tuesday.


Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: MN17 Crash     

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