The head of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Sergey Donskoy, made a speech at the All-Russian meeting in Vladivostok. Directors of 135 reserved territories of Russia got together in Vladivostok, the East Media reports.
Sergey Donskoy said at the meeting: "The federal system of conservation areas includes 103 state nature reserves, 47 national parks and 64 federal wildlife areas, which altogether take nearly 3 percent of the territory of Russia. As for Special Protected Natural Areas, they take 11 percent. Nevertheless, it provides protection of less than half of the animal species threatened with extinction".
The minister promised to keep up full financing of especially protected natural areas, which presently makes 6 billion RUR a year. The national park Bikin will soon be opened in Primorye, and a federal wildlife area will be established in the Solovetsky Islands. Specially protected nature conservation areas will appear in Karelia, in the Solovetsky Islands and in the Tomsk Region.
Author: Vera Ivanova