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The Number Of Millionaires Increased By 13 Percent
31.07.2015 14:30
The Number Of Millionaires Increased By 13 Percent

The number of taxpayers who declared an income more than a billion roubles last year has increased from 292 to 309 people or nearly by 6 percent. This was reported by “Izvestiya” quoting the data of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS).

      The number of millionaires (who declared an income from 1 to 10 million roubles) increased by 13 percent and amounted to 451 thousand people.

      According to the newspaper, the reason for this was the devaluation of the rouble which took place at the end of 2014 and the campaign of the Russian government aimed at the economy deoffshorization. The influence of the latter factor has increased the total number of declarations of incomes of physical persons for 2014 that were presented to the Federal Tax Service.


Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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