About half of Russians - 47 percent - have a positive attitude to the initiative of the establishment of an international tribunal for investigation of the causes of the crash of the Malaysian “Boeing” that crashed in eastern Ukraine in July of last year. This was reported by “Interfax” with a reference to the survey conducted by “Levada Centre”.
19 percent of the survey participants have a negative attitude to this idea. One-third (34 percent) found it difficult to answer the question. At the same time, according to the opinions of 41 and 44 percent of the respondents, the responsibility for the plane crash rests with the official Kiev and the Ukrainian military, respectively.
Another three percent think that the disaster happened due to the fault of the militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, and two percent think it was the fault of Russia. The USA is blamed by 17 percent of the survey participants.
14 percent were unable to answer the question. The survey conducted from July17 to July 20 was attended by 800 people from 134 inhabited localities from 46 regions of Russia.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina