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Social Network For Pioneers
30.06.2015 10:08
Social Network For Pioneers

The Leader of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov proposed to create a social network for pioneers. According to “Interfax”, he stated this during his speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Moscow devoted to the youth policy.

      “The time has come to start creating an online resource for pioneer organizations. It could become an information platform for the exchange of experience between pioneer leaders” – Zyuganov launched an initiative. In addition, the Communist Leader said that it was necessary to return to the distribution of university graduates to jobs in their specializations. “Special state support should be given to young people ready to work in rural areas. The work of engineering and technical experts should be paid at the level no less than that of banking sector experts” - the politician stressed.


Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Social Network     

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