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'Don’t Back Down on Russian Sanctions' - NYT
5.06.2015 16:18
'Don’t Back Down on Russian Sanctions' - NYT
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The New York Times is urging the Obama administration to maintain sanctions on Russia even it threatens to undermine NASA’s program.

      The newspaper’s editorial raises the alarm over the possible ease on the ban to purchase Russian-made rocket engines, which have been used to launch military and intelligence satellites since 2000.

      “Now, barely five months after the engine ban took effect, the Obama administration is urging Congress to ease it. Such a move would harm American credibility and give the Europeans a reason to ease their own sanctions. It would also embolden President Vladimir Putin of Russia, who even now refuses to acknowledge that he is sending troops and weapons to expand the war in eastern Ukraine.”

      According to the post, the engine produce, NPO Energomash, reportedly has close ties to Mr. Putin.

      “Senator John McCain, the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, says NPO Energomash could gain $300 million on engine sales that are to end under the law,” says the piece.

      “After leaning on France to cancel the sale of two ships to Russia because of the invasion of Ukraine, the United States can hardly insist on continuing to buy national security hardware from one of Mr. Putin’s cronies,” concludes the paper.


Author: Mikhail Vesely


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