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Russians Buy Less Cars In 2015
28.05.2015 14:36
Russians Buy Less Cars In 2015

In the first four months of 2015 Russians spent 575.7 billion roubles on the purchase of new cars, which is 25 percent less than in the same period of last year (764.7 billion roubles).

      The total sales decreased by 38 percent down to 487.6 thousand vehicles. The average price of the purchased cars grew by 21 percent, up to 1.18 million roubles. The prices of foreign cars rose by 24.5 percent up to 1.35 million, those of domestic cars - by 14.9 percent up to 482 thousand roubles. The largest number of the sold cars was made up by Lada - 89,411 vehicles (the revenue amounted to 41.3 billion roubles).The second place was taken by Hyundai with the sold 53,326 vehicles (the revenue - 46.5 billion roubles), the third line was taken by Kia (49,932 cars, 44.1 billion roubles).


Author: Anna Dorozhkina


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