The number of Russians who do not trust foreign media has increased seven times - up to 50 percent - over the past eight years. This is evidenced by the nation-wide survey conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Centre, according to “Interfax”.
In 2007 the same opinion poll showed that only 7 percent of people in Russia did not trust foreign media.
At the same time the trust of the Russians in the centralized Russian press remained at the level of 2007. 75 percent of respondents trust and “most likely, trust” in the national television, 54 percent - in the federal press, information on the radio is trusted by 52 percent of respondents.
Television still remains the main source of news for the residents of Russia. 66 percent of respondents trust in local TV, 47 percent – in local radio, the local press is trusted by every second respondent.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina