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Archeologists to Establish What Fruit Russians Ate 1000 Years Ago
6.10.2010 12:18
Archeologists to Establish What Fruit Russians Ate 1000 Years Ago

Archeologists working at Desyatinny Pit in the historical centre of Veliki Novgorod have found remnants of gardens that used to grow there several centuries back. The find will make it possible to clear out what fruit trees ancient Russians cultivated. Most likely those were apple-trees and pear-trees.
      The pit started by archeologists in 2010 has given them more than thousand various finds. Among them there are about 300 pendant lead seals. Recently they have unearthed knucklebones for national games, filled with lead for weighting.
      Among the rarities found at Desyatinny Pit, there stands out a copper jug without a handle, dug out from the cultural layer of the 12th century. The 800-year-old jug has become the second one of the kind in the entire history of Novgorod archeology. Archeologists have also found St. Vladimir’s silver coin.
      Source: (1) (2) (3)


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