Three ancient birchbark manuscripts and a seal have been discovered at Troitsky archeological pit in Veliki Novgorod.
On June, 17th a schoolgirl named Elizaveta Godunova taking part in the digging found two manuscripts. One of them is a three-line fragment 28 cm long. As roughly estimated by experts it dates back to the early 13th century and, probably, represents a bill of debt, since it monetary units of Old Russia are specified in it. The manuscript has been given the number 974.
Data concerning the second manuscript under the number 975 are still specified, but, according to archeologists, these are two independent documents, not related to each other.
In the course of further digging there was found a well-preserved seal, presumably, that of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavovich, and one more birch bark manuscript, number 976. It is, probably, also a debenture. Scientists do not rule out the possibility that manuscripts 974 and 976 had one author. Archeologists hope to find some more manuscripts on the given site.
The very first birch bark manuscript was found during excavations in the Velikaya Street in Novgorod in 1951.