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Russian Society and Politics News

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3.10.2014 19:02

Simultaneous use of a laptop, a mobile phone and other devices is bad for the brain. In this case the density of gray matter in certain areas of the brain – neurons - decreases.

3.10.2014 11:32

The LTE TDD network of MTS operator became available for the users of the latest models of iPhone: 6, 6 Plus, 5c and 5s.

3.10.2014 08:28

57 million of DDoS-attacks were revealed in Russia in 2014. The majority of these DDoS-attacks were due to the Olympic Games in Sochi and the referendum in the Crimea.

27.09.2014 18:44

Russians can witness a Guinness record in the category of "Moving the heaviest object by river transport", the 1377.9-tons hydrocrack reactor.

20.09.2014 07:40

Ministry of Industry and Trade is glad to inform on the new project of the Russian Federation - #Open Russian Fashion.

15.09.2014 16:45

While the worldwide HIV infection decreases, it remains at a high level in Russia, as the specialists from the United States and St. Petersburg stated, publishing their findings in the ‘Addiction’ journal.

15.09.2014 15:43

The Ministry of Health of Russia plans to check schools and universities for the early detection of the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs.

15.09.2014 11:27

STSI proposes to introduce a fee for obtaining a driver's license in the amount of 6.5 thousand roubles. Each subsequent attempt to retake the exam will cost 1-2 thousand roubles.

8.09.2014 17:17

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia of Spring-Summer 2015 takes place in Moscow from 22nd to 26th October. More than 70 designers will present their collections at the main venue in Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh" within the largest Fashion Week in Eastern Europe.

2.09.2014 10:56

The Russian Government has approved an 11-day weekend in January 2015, as it is stated in the Decision of 27 August 2014.

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