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Russia International News

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31.01.2020 19:56

This was announced at the meeting of the operational headquarters to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the Russian Federation.

30.01.2020 23:24

The annex to the document lists 16 checkpoints.

21.01.2020 12:04

Russia has lost three lines in the updated ranking of world passports from Henley & Partners, dropping from the 48th to the 51st line.

14.01.2020 15:36

Russian airlines adhere to the precautions recommended by the Federal Air Transport Agency when flying through Iranian airspace.

27.01.2019 23:47

It was decided to organize a special group in the UK to combat fraud, corruption and money laundering.

21.07.2018 16:46

World Cup 2018 has been the best for the entire tournament history, as the president of the International Football Federation Gianni Infantino said.

19.07.2018 23:57

The FIFA President Gianni Infantino praised the work done by Russia in preparation for the World Cup, called Russia a truly football country, said that one could not but fall in love with Russia.

5.06.2018 00:39

The bilateral relationship with China is one of the key building blocks of Russia’s foreign policy strategy.

5.06.2018 00:39

During this session, representatives of the HSE School of Design presented examples of successful cooperation between the university and the business community.

4.06.2018 14:39

We are now living in a world that we created, one where change happens at incredible speed, and we find ourselves surrounded by unpredictable revolutionary technologies and artificial intelligence. Now is the time for a new, digital, renaissance.

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