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4.03.2019 14:35

Igor Vereshchagin conquers photo lovers with his boundless charisma and amazing outlook, subtle humor and youth drive.

24.02.2019 16:51

The Artstory Gallery presents an exhibition of paintings, drawings, and sculptures, which are united by the theme of dreams.

22.02.2019 17:26

The film epic War and Peace directed by Sergei Bondarchuk after the famous novel by Leo Tolstoy will be demonstrated at the Lincoln Center this week.

21.02.2019 17:05

Among them is the painting "Ai-Petri. Crimea", which was stolen and then returned to the exhibition.

20.02.2019 17:57

The Nutcracker ballet of the Perm Opera and Ballet House was nominated in seven categories as part of the 25th Russian National Golden Mask Award.

18.02.2019 16:12

In March, the Nagornaya Gallery will host an exhibition of art photos dedicated to the snow.

17.02.2019 18:21

The Pushkin Museum in Prechistenka, Moscow, presents an exhibition dedicated to the 220th anniversary since the poet’s birth.

17.02.2019 18:09

In late February, Crocus Expo will hold the International Exhibition «Stylish Home».

15.02.2019 18:08

At the end of February, the ethnographic collections of the Taimyr Museum of Local Lore and works by students of the Norilsk Art College will be exhibited in Moscow.

14.02.2019 21:59

The Biennale “Fashion and Style in Photography” gives a unique opportunity for everyone: visitors can see the 46th edition of the Pirelli calendar.

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