19 July
Dates in History
1980XXII Olympic games start in Moscow. Despite the absence of many eminent sportsmen from the USA, Canada, Japan, FRG and other countries (due to political ostracism for introduction of Soviet troops to Afghanistan), the level of sport competition at the Games’80 is extremely high. 74 Olympic records are set during the Games. 241 participants improve former Olympic achievements, and 97 participants outreach world records. Moscow welcomes the Olympic games with new, up-to-date sport arenas, training facilities, hotels and Sheremetievo-2 airport.
1893Vladimir Mayakovsky, Russian poet, is born. | Mayakovsky is one of the brightest persons of avant-garde art of 1910-1920, his talent and range of his literary activities made him the giant of the Russian art. Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poetry is the artistic chronicle of Russia during the period of October Revolution and building socialism. |