Founded in 1938
26 December City Day: Electrostal
Dates in History
2000The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin ratifies constitutional laws concerning the state emblem, flag, and anthe The new Russian State Emblem is the modified emblem of the Russian Empire (up to 1917); the new Russian State Flag is the white-blue-red flag introduced by Peter the Great in 1693; the music of the new Russian State Anthem is that of the old Soviet one, and its lyrics are written by Sergey Mikhalkov, the same person who wrote lyrics to the old Soviet anthem.
1919Council of People’s Commissars (Sovnarkom) issues a decree ordering the elimination of illiteracy in the Soviet Russia. | According to the decree anyone from 8 to 50 years old who doesn’t know how to read or write must learn to.
1825The Decembrist Revolt takes place in the Senate Square in St. Petersburg. | The Decembrist Revolt is the result of a conspiracy of a group of noblemen against monarchy, the participants want to do away with serfdom. Prince Sergey Trubetskoy is selected as the head (dictator) of the upcoming revolt, but on 26 December 1825 he decides not to head the Revolt, hence when the revolt fails he is not executed but banished along with other rebels. His wife Yekaterina is one of the first of the so-called Decembrist’ Wives, who follow their husbands into exile. |