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23 February — Homeland Defender’s Day

Initially this was a holiday dedicated to Russian soldiers, who literally defended our homeland. But with time, as all men in Russia must spend two years in military service, this day became a national men’s holiday. Women give presents to all men they are acquainted with: colleagues at work as well as all men-friends, husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons.

February 23 is a day off in Russia.

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Dates in History
1958—Monument to the Soviet Victory in theGreat Patriotic War is installed
In 1958 at Poklonnaya Hill, in Moscow, a monument was installed, dedicated to the victory of all Soviet people in the war 1941-1945.It was surrounded with trees, which in a feew years turned into a big park, called Victory Park.

1878—Kazimir Malevich, abstract painter, is born.
Malevich is mostly known as the author of the “Black Square”.

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