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Most Important Inventions of the XX century – Russian Version
June 30, 2009 21:07

All-Russia Public Opinion Research Centre (VCIOM) published data on what inventions, made in the 20th century, Russian people considered to be most important, and what discoveries our fellow nationals were waiting for in the 21st century.

The most important discovery of the previous century, according to nearly one-fifth (19%) of the respondents, is space exploration. The second place goes to computer, which is considered important by 14% of poll participants. Similar figure of 8% is for mobile phone, World Wide Web or Internet and television. Seven per cent of respondents think that achievements in medicine are the most important scientific inventions of the previous century. Six per cent vote for communication and telephony. Other important scientific results are: discovery of electricity and nanotechnologies (these two got 4%); building automobile (train, helicopter, airplane), organ transplantation and radio – 3%; discovery of antibiotics (penicillin) and nuclear energy, inventin of household appliances – 2%. At least one per cent of responding Russians mentions atomic, bomb, genetic engineering, cloning and weapons, and the same one per cent think that the 20th century had no notable inventions. As many as 36% of respondents were undecided.



Alternative fuel
As for most wanted inventions of the 21st century, Russian nationals expect development of alternative fuels (34% of respondents) and bioartificial organs (33%). Every fifth (21%) Russian forecasts development of a cure-all, 16% wait for artificial intelligence; 14% are sure they will be travel to space; 13% are sure that flying cars will appear; 11% surprisingly predict transportation means, which move with faster than light. Among other inventions, Russians expect invention of reading other people’s thoughts (7%) and teleportation (3%). Six per cent believe that perpetual motion machine (perpetuum mobile) would be invented, the secret of human immortality would be revealed and elixir of perpetual youth would be created. Five per cent wait for time machine.

Female and male respondents tend to give different forecasts for inventions of the 21st century. More men wait for alternative fuel (41% compared to 29% of women, who chose the same answer) and vehicles with superluminal velocity (13% and 9%, respectively). Women vote for invention of a cure-all – 24% compared to 17% of men, who chose the same answer.

Answers of well-educated respondents also differ from that of those, whose level of education was not very high. Forty four per cent of poll participants with higher education expect invention of alternative fuel, but only 18% of those with primary education think the same way. Bioartificial organs also found supporters in well-educated respondents – 42% against 19% of poorly educated ones. Russians with primary education wait for invention of a cure-all – 28% (16% of people with bachelor or master degree).

The poll was conducted on June 20-21, 2009, and covered 140 settlements with 1600 participants. Statistical accuracy is 3.4%

Source: Science & Technology

Kizilova Anna

Tags: Russian scientists Russian science Russian technologies   

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