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Advances in Space Technologies
April 29, 2008 17:08

A satellite

Recent conference “Technological development of space industry” allowed leading Russian experts in this field to discuss burning issues of rocket-and-space industry of our country. The conference took place in Moscow and was held within IX international Forum “High Technologies of XXI Century”.

Speakers covered such topics as status of equipment stock of the industry; development of nanocomponents and non-metallic composition materials; tests of propulsion and power systems for rockets and space crafts, utilizing hydrogen; production of sensors and solar batteries for space crafts; development of information and control systems and intelligence systems for rocket-and-space technologies, as well as production of civil navigation devices GLONASS and development of international aerospace monitoring systems and so on.

Experts mentioned active modernization of space equipment stock, since about 80% of machinery at the plants is worn out. Other participants told the audience about advantages, appearing after miniaturization of electronic components. These tiny integrated parts allow building modular units for development of new information and control systems for space vehicles. Another interesting report described techniques of stereo-visualization of models with similar structure, which were used for project and research studies. These techniques are perfect for imitating combined space objects.

Among other interesting topics conference participants talked about creating an international aerospace monitoring system for keeping an eye on dangerous geographic processes and preventing emergency situations and disasters. The satellite cluster will include small space vehicles of two types: high (6 vehicles) level and low (3-4 vehicles) level. This monitoring system is expected to reduce significantly annual damage, caused by emergency situations, which amounts to 80-100 billion Russian rubles (about $3.5 billion). Moreover, about 140-160 thousand new jobs will appear in Russia due to realization of this programme.



Conference chairman, academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, raised the question of hydrogen fuel. This fuel is fairly considered to be the future of space industry. Other reports about hydrogen as possible fuel told the audience about tests of engines, powered by hydrogen, and safety issues.

Experts and leading scientific mass-media keep talking about developing convenient user-specific equipment for GLONASS navigation system, because without delivering information to users GLONASS project has no sense. Conference discussions revealed monthly plans on producing about 1000 navigation receivers GLONASS/GPS Glospace. Development of said receivers is a joint venture – several enterprises take part in it. Russian party is responsible for chipsets and design. One chipset for GLONASS costs about $8-10 million. All devices are produced in South-East Asia.


Kizilova Anna

Tags: Russian scientists space Russian technologies   

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